


The prerequisites required by different enforcers are as shown in the following table.

AppArmor1. Linux Kernel 4.15 and above
2. The AppArmor LSM is enabled
GKE with Container-Optimized OS
AKS with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
VKE with veLinux 1.0
Debian 10 and above
Ubuntu 18.04.0 LTS and above
veLinux 1.0 etc.
BPF1. Linux Kernel 5.10 and above (x86_64)
2. containerd v1.6.0 and above
3. The BPF LSM is enabled
EKS with Amazon Linux 2
GKE with Container-Optimized OS
VKE with veLinux 1.0 (with 5.10 kernel)
AKS with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS *
ACK with Alibaba Cloud Linux 3 *
OpenSUSE 15.4 *
Debian 11 *
Fedora 37
veLinux 1.0 with 5.10 kernel etc.

* Manual enabling of BPF LSM is required
Seccomp1. Kubernetes v1.19 and aboveAll Linux distributions


vArmor can be deployed via a Helm chart which is the recommended and preferred method for a production install.

In order to install vArmor with Helm, first fetch the chart.

helm pull oci://elkeid-ap-southeast-1.cr.volces.com/varmor/varmor --version 0.5.11

Then install it with helm optional configurations.

helm install varmor varmor-0.5.11.tgz \
--namespace varmor --create-namespace \
--set image.registry="elkeid-ap-southeast-1.cr.volces.com"

You can use the domain elkeid-cn-beijing.cr.volces.com inside of the CN region.


vArmor allows you to configure its functionality during installation using the helm command.

Helm OptionsDescription
--set appArmorLsmEnforcer.enabled=falseDefault: enabled. The AppArmor enforcer can be disabled with it when the system does not support AppArmor LSM.
--set bpfLsmEnforcer.enabled=trueDefault: disabled. The BPF enforcer can be enabled when the system supports BPF LSM.
--set bpfExclusiveMode.enabled=trueDefault: disabled. When enabled, AppArmor protection for the target workload will be disabled when a VarmorPolicy object uses the BPF enforcer.
--set restartExistWorkloads.enabled=falseDefault: enabled. When disabled, vArmor will prevent users from performing a rolling restart of target existing workloads with the .spec.updateExistingWorkloads field of VarmorPolicy/VarmorClusterPolicy.
--set unloadAllAaProfiles.enabled=trueDefault: disabled. When enabled, all AppArmor profiles loaded by vArmor will be unloaded when the Agent exits.
--set removeAllSeccompProfiles.enabled=trueDefault: disabled. When enabled, all Seccomp profiles created by vArmor will be unloaded when the Agent exits.
--set "manager.args={--webhookMatchLabel=KEY=VALUE}"The default value is: sandbox.varmor.org/enable=true. vArmor will only enable sandbox protection for Workloads that contain this label. You can disable this feature by using --set 'manager.args={--webhookMatchLabel=}'.
--set behaviorModeling.enabled=trueDefault: disabled. Experimental feature. Currently, only the AppArmor/Seccomp enforcer supports the BehaviorModeling mode. Please refer to the BehaviorModeling Mode for more details.
--set "agent.args={--auditLogPaths=FILE_PATH|FILE_PATH}"Default: /var/log/audit/audit.log|/var/log/kern.log. vArmor sequentially checks whether the files exist, and monitoring the first valid file to consume AppArmor and Seccomp audit events for violation auditing and behavioral modeling. If you are using auditd, the audit events of AppArmor and Seccomp will be stored by default in /var/log/audit/audit.log. Otherwise they will be stored in /var/log/kern.log. You can use the argument to specify the audit log file or determine the search order yourself. Please use a vertical bar to separate file paths.


You can use helm commands to upgrade, rollback, and perform other operations.

helm upgrade varmor varmor-0.5.11.tgz \
--namespace varmor --create-namespace \
--set image.registry="elkeid-ap-southeast-1.cr.volces.com" \
--set bpfLsmEnforcer.enabled=true \
--set appArmorLsmEnforcer.enabled=false
helm rollback varmor -n varmor


vArmor can be uninstalled via helm command.

helm uninstall varmor -n varmor

If you are using the AppArmor & Seccomp enforcer, please follow these steps to uninstall vArmor:

  • Filter out all VarmorPolicy/VarmorClusterPolicy objects using the AppArmor or Seccomp enforcer (.spec.policy.enforcer contains AppArmor or Seccomp)
  • Process each VarmorPolicy/VarmorClusterPolicy and its corresponding workloads one by one.
    • Delete the VarmorPolicy/VarmorClusterPolicy object
    • When the workloads' type is Deployment, StatefulSet, or DaemonSet,
      • If you have enabled --restartExistWorkloads, you don't need to perform any additional steps.
      • If --restartExistWorkloads is not enabled, you will need to manually remove the annotations and seccompProfiles added by vArmor from the corresponding workloads.
    • When the workloads' type is Pod, you will need to recreate the Pod (make sure there are no annotations and seccompProfiles added by vArmor in the Pod).
  • Uninstall vArmor using Helm.