Cloud-native container sandbox for Kubernetes
Core Features
Powerful capabilities to enhance your container security
Follows the Kubernetes Operator design pattern, allowing users to harden specific workloads by manipulating the CRD API.
Multiple Enforcers
Abstracts AppArmor, BPF, and Seccomp as enforcers, supporting their use individually or in combination.
Only explicitly declared behaviors will be blocked, which effectively minimizes performance impact and enhances usability.
Built-in Rules
Features a range of built-in rules ready to use out of the box, eliminating the need for expertise in security profile creation.
Behavior Modeling
Supports behavior modeling for workloads to develop allowlist profiles and guide configurations to adhere to least privilege.
Capable of creating an allowlist profile from behavior models and ensuring only explicitly declared behaviors are permitted.
How vArmor works to protect your containers
vArmor primarily consists of two components: the Manager and the Agent. The Manager is responsible for responding to and managing policy objects, while the Agent handles the management of enforcers and profiles on Nodes.
With VarmorPolicy or VarmorClusterPolicy objects, users can harden specific workloads and decide which enforcers and rules to use. The ArmorProfile CR acts as an internal interface used for profile management.
Quick Start
Get up and running in minutes
1. Fetch chart
helm pull oci:// --version 0.7.0
2. Install
helm install varmor varmor-0.7.0.tgz \ --namespace varmor --create-namespace \ --set image.registry=""
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Open Source
vArmor was created by the Elkeid Team of the endpoint security department at ByteDance. The project is licensed under Apache 2.0 and is in active development.
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