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Cloud-native container sandbox system for Kubernetes security

Enhanced Security

Leverages Linux technologies like AppArmor, BPF, and Seccomp to isolate containers and reduce kernel attack surfaces.

Kubernetes Native

Integrates seamlessly with Kubernetes, providing powerful sandboxing mechanisms through custom CRDs.

Quick Deployment

Deploy vArmor quickly using Helm with built-in security models ready for immediate use.

Quick Start

helm pull oci:// --version 0.5.11
helm install varmor varmor-0.5.11.tgz --namespace varmor --create-namespace --set image.registry=""


vArmor is licensed under Apache 2.0. The eBPF code is located at vArmor-ebpf and is GPL-2.0 licensed.


Uses cilium/ebpf for eBPF management. References parts of kyverno code by Nirmata.